Microphone detection
CNAPS approved since 2016

AJT Detective: Approved private detective agency
Surveys in France and internationally
Microphone detection
Choose AJT Detective to obtain the services of an approved detective

Live without fears to live better:
Verifying if your home is hiding microphones or spy elements is not a paranoid act.
Do you feel followed, listened to, or filmed?
Surveillance within families is becoming increasingly common and spying on one’s family has become easier with GPS trackers, spy microphones, and hacked phones.
What are the most common cases encountered?
- Conflictual divorce
- A malicious friend
- A jealous spouse
Today, obtaining sophisticated spy tools is easy. These can be tiny microphones, cameras, or everyday items that hide objects allowing for surveillance.
Some shops manufacture custom-made spy microphones and cameras, allowing them to be placed inside objects in your home.
The fact that no new objects are found in your home is therefore not a guarantee of confidentiality.
What are the techniques for spying on your privacy?
A micro or GPS tracker may have been placed on your vehicle, allowing you to track your movements and listen to your conversations.
These systems use GPS signal to position themselves and GSM or Lora/Sixfog network to communicate their position.
AJT DETECTIVE helps you protect yourself against attacks from outside and inside.
Who installs spy microphones and hidden cameras in your home?
There can be many reasons for wanting to harm your business. It can be:
- Security or cleaning companies
- Friends
- Electrician, painter, delivery person…
- Spouse
- Sales representatives
- Collaborators
- Burglars
- Any other person who has had access to your home
How do spy microphone and camera installations take place?
For malicious individuals to work, they must:
- Be able to enter your home
- Have your trust
Why use our services in this matter?
There are tools for detecting spy microphones or cameras. However, we caution you that to carry out an effective “dust-off,” you need to handle and exploit expensive and difficult to obtain equipment.
In fact, the tools offered to the general public are often ineffective and do not guarantee an infallible result, allowing you the peace of mind you claim.
During our interventions, we carry out:
Check of furniture and decoration
Check with a non-linear junction detector to detect all types of hidden electronic equipment, whether they are under tension or not
Analysis of telephone wiring by reflectometry (continuity, isolation…)
Check of analog and digital telephone outlets
Search for analog, digital, infrared, and laser microphones
Search for deviation on line
Search for recording or any other equipment that would allow ambient or remote listening (several thousand km)
Search for wired hidden micro-camera
Search for microphones on power carrier and analog and digital microphones
Search for Bluetooth devices
Check of each telephone station and its connection to the network; this is an analysis by reflectometer
Check of telephone and power cables
Search for DECT networks
Analysis and demodulation of audio and video signals allow detecting and locating a radio emitting source from 9 kHz to 6GHz
Search for series or parallel mounting (splitter, microphone, infinity…)
Search for wired listening system
Search for recording system (tape recorder, MP3 recorder); A recorder allows remote listening (several thousand km)
Analysis of the activity of 2.4 GHz and 5Ghz frequencies, allowing to detect and measure all wifi sources:
network mapping, machine port scanning, access point searches, wifi microphone searches
Search for wired and wireless video surveillance system (mini camera, etc.)
Search for self-powered car microphones
Analysis of the vulnerability of access points…
How much does it cost to detect spy microphones, cameras, or GPS trackers?
The fee for this type of intervention depends on many parameters.
To provide you with a precise quote, we will ask you for information such as the size of your home, its configuration, the number of floors, the amount of high-tech equipment and telephone lines.
We support you
Entrust us with your search for truth
1. Contact
within 48 hours
2. Proposal of the survey
strategy and quote
3. Personalized
4. Submission of the
tailor-made report
Value your work! Work without fear!
It is not paranoid to want to verify if your company is hiding microphones or spy equipment.
Do you feel followed, listened to, filmed? Does someone from your company talk to you about things they should not know about, directly or indirectly? Do you feel like your competitor is spying on you?
Today, it is easy to obtain sophisticated spy tools from a shop. They can be tiny microphones, cameras, but also everyday items that hide objects for your surveillance.
Some shops manufacture custom-made spy microphones and cameras, which can be placed inside an object in your premises.
The fact that you do not observe new objects in your company is not a guarantee of confidentiality.
What are the techniques that can be used to spy on your professional life?
Confidentiality is one of the values necessary for a company to function well. To allow your colleagues to work peacefully in their workplace, to allow your customers to feel secure about the data they provide to you, and to protect your company’s commercial strategies, you must ensure that your premises are not being spied on.
Also, be aware that a microphone or GPS tracker may have been placed on your vehicle, allowing for tracking of your movements and listening to your conversations.
These systems use the GPS signal to position themselves and the GSM or Lora/Sixfog network to communicate their position.
AJT DETECTIVE helps you protect against attacks from the outside and inside.
Who installs spy microphones and hidden cameras in your professional premises?
There may be many reasons why someone would want to harm your company. This can be:
- False clients
- Sales representatives
- Collaborators
- Cleaning or security companies
- Electrician, painter, delivery person…
- Anyone outside the company who has been corrupted or acting on their own to harm you
How are spy microphones and cameras installed?
To do this, those with bad intentions must:
- Be able to enter your premises
- Have the trust of a member of the company
- Have a direct view of the offices
What are the consequences for your company?
- Loss of revenue
- Disappearance of customers and/or staff
- Decrease in competitiveness
- Degradation of brand image
Why use our services in this matter?
There are tools available for detecting spy microphones or cameras. However, we would like to warn you that to carry out an effective “dust removal,” it is necessary to use and exploit expensive and difficult to obtain equipment.
In fact, the tools offered to the general public are often ineffective and do not guarantee you the peace of mind you desire.
During our interventions, we carry out:
- Check of the furniture and decoration
- Control by non-linear junction detector to detect all types of hidden electronic equipment, whether they are powered or not
- Analysis of telephone cabling by reflectometry (continuity, isolation…)
- Control of analog and digital telephone sockets
- Search for analog, digital, infrared, and laser microphones
- Search for deviation on line
- Search for placement of a recorder or any other equipment that would allow listening to the atmosphere or remotely (several thousand km)
- Search for wired micro-camera concealed
- Search for microphones on carrier current and analog and digital microphones
- Search for Bluetooth devices
- Control of each telephone post and its connection to the network; this is an analysis by reflectometer
- Check of telephone and power cables
- Search for DECT networks
- Analysis and demodulation of audio and video signals allow for detecting and locating a radio emitting source from 9 kHz to 6GHz
What is the cost for detecting bugs, cameras, or GPS trackers?
The rate for this type of intervention depends on many factors. In order to provide you with a precise estimate, we will need information such as the size of your premises and their layout, the number of floors, the amount of high-tech equipment, and telephone lines.